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eukaryotic organism中文是什么意思

用"eukaryotic organism"造句"eukaryotic organism"怎么读"eukaryotic organism" in a sentence


  • 真核生物


  • All fungi are eukaryotic organisms , and each fungal cell has at least one nucleus and nuclear membrane , endoplasmic reticulum , mitochondria , and secretory apparatus
  • Dunaliella . salina , a single - celled eukaryotic organism , has a relatively simple mechanism of saturation regulation , therefore it is an ideal model organism to be used to study the mechanism of salt stress tolerance
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae ( s . cerevisiae ) is the one ot the first and well characterized eukaryotic organisms whose complete genome was sequenced . the next chanllenge is to elucidate its gene expression pattern and the functional mechanisms of the gene products
    在所有的真核生物中,人们对酿酒酵母( saccharomycescerevisiae )分子遗传学方面的认识最早,最先完成的真核生物基因组序列测定也是酿酒酵母的基因组序列。
  • Cytochrome p450 functions as the monooxygenase . p450s are involved in physiologically important processes including steroid metabolism , drug deactivation , procarcinogen activation , fatty acid metabolism , xenobiotic detoxification and wildly distributed in animal , plant and low eukaryotic organism
  • We used fission yeast schizosaccharomyces pombe ( s . pombe ) , an unicellular eukaryotic organism , as research material . electroporation was adopted to load ca2 + fluorescent indicator into yeast cell and under the laser scanning confocal microscopy ( lscm ) , we observed cytosolic ca2 + distribution and relative content as well as fluorescence intensity of gfp - cam in different phases of cell cycle of yeast cell . flow cytometry provided a way of determining the relative dna content of populations of fission yeast
    本文以单细胞的真核模式生物裂殖酵母( schizosaccharomycespombe )为研究材料,通过激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察酵母细胞胞质内游离ca ~ ( 2 + )的分布及相对浓度,以及不同周期时相细胞中gfp - cam的荧光强度变化,并采用细胞流式法对酵母细胞的相对dna含量进行测定以确定细胞所处周期时相。
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